About this curriculum
We believe all children have the right to learn about the importance of the ocean, and to develop a sense of responsibility towards its conservation. The Ocean Conservation Curriculum is an exciting innovation, whereby the Trust has worked with its partners to create a scheme of work to study comprehensive and progressive objectives related to the seven global Ocean Literacy Principles. Children enjoy exciting and informative activities, both in school and beyond, which greatly enhance their overall curriculum.
Three main considerations are the conservation of the Ocean, the scientific knowledge of the ocean, and how the ocean has contributed to history and inspired us. We have close links with many of the leading experts in this field, including the National Marine Aquarium (OCT), Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association. Our vision is to share this work both in Plymouth and beyond. We are also in the process of being accredited as European Blue Schools – the first in the UK
At Cockington Primary, we weave the Ocean curriculum though our science and geography curriculum. Our documents show how the curriculum progresses throughout the different years.
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